Study: Young Arabs want to live in the UAE and consider Russia an ally

More and more Arab teenagers want to live in the United Arab Emirates and consider Russia, not the United States, an ally of their countries.

Dubai, UAE. More and more teenagers living in the countries of the Arab world want to live in the United Arab Emirates and dream that their native countries would be like this Arabian monarchy. According to a field study conducted by ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller and Penn Schoen Berland, every third Arab child wants to live in the UAE - that's 13% more than in 2016.

The survey showed that the UAE is almost twice as popular as the United States, with 70% of respondents agreeing that the current head of the White House, Donald Trump, is prone to Islamophobia. In third place in the list of countries where Arab youth wants to live, is Saudi Arabia, followed by Canada and Germany.

31% of teenagers surveyed called the UAE a safe country, another 25% said that a growing economy was ready to offer them a wide range of employment opportunities. In eight Arab countries, young people see the United States as the enemy, and Russia as their main non-Arab ally. A total of 3,500 people aged 18 to 24 years from 16 countries of the MENA region took part in the survey.

Watch the video: The Middle East's cold war, explained (May 2024).