The first robot policeman went on patrol near Burj Khalifa in Dubai

The first robocop officer in history to begin patrolling the streets of Dubai near the tallest building in the world.

The first ever robot to be admitted to the police ranks on its guard of honor in Dubai on Wednesday, May 31. The officer will patrol the areas near the tallest tower in the world - Burj Khalifa.

Robocop wears a special hat, is able to move around and is equipped with a touch screen on the chest, which can be used to report a crime or receive information about speeding tickets.

“Our goal is to increase the number of robots to 25 percent in the ranks of the police force by 2030,” said Khaled al-Razzuki, head of Smart Services at Dubai Police, recognizing that robocops will not be able to replace people in tasks such as arrests .

The robot, which will serve mainly in tourist areas, is equipped with a camera that transmits a real-time image to the operating room and is able to identify suspects wanted by the police.

Watch the video: Dubai's First Police Robot Goes On The Dubai Mall Beat (July 2024).