Russian time is not late

The first day of competition in the FIA ​​class at the giant Dubai circuit took place in empty stands, but with a full set of journalistic fraternities of all ranks and stripes. There were no races as such: qualification races were held on that day, during which the judges determined in which order the teams would start the next day. But everything looked completely real: the mechanics who stuck around racing cars from all sides, the technical team, scurrying back and forth with various tools and parts, the support group girls in bright T-shirts and racers with impenetrable faces.

Having bypassed all the “boxes”, where the preparations for the race were in full swing, and the “registered” stands of representatives of the auto concerns, in which negotiations and press conferences were held for light snacks and drinks, in the end we saw the long-awaited Nikolai Fomenko. Flocks of long-legged slender beauties in yellow T-shirts of the French team surrounded the beloved Russian-speaking population of the Emirates. Having photographed the girls who chirped merrily at the Russian racer’s company, and vowed to assure them that this photo would be aired, we asked Nikolai for an exclusive interview for our magazine.

Having received an affirmative answer, we sat down on some tanks near the machine "box" and turned on the recorder.

Nikolay, last year you already performed in Dubai. How do you think this race will endLast year, we won the championship while working at Porsche Motor Sports, this year we took the third place in the overall standings or the fifth in Le Mans in the Le Mans Endurance series, which is an excellent indicator for Russian riders. This is a very big achievement. As for the FIA ​​GT in Dubai ... Honestly, we never think ahead.

Of course, we will try to fight for points, but we no longer have a chance to win this championship, because the middle was not particularly successful: there were accidents and some problems in the European part of the races. This year we had a very difficult season: seventeen races, and now we have just arrived from Istanbul. Before that there was still China. After Dubai, we will be moving to Bahrain, where this season so hard for us will end. Now I especially want to go on vacation - we have not seen our families for so long!

Are you going to Bahrain right after the Dubai competition?
The team rides in full force. Our base is in England - there is a garage and cars. The Asian part of the competition, which was introduced for us 2 years ago, is very difficult in terms of relocation - China, Malaysia, Emirates, Bahrain ...

Can you relax in between races? Go to the beach, swim in the sea?We have a very busy schedule - 28 weeks on the road, but there are still weekends, and we will certainly swim in the sea.

Are you still performing at Ferrari?
With Alexey Vasiliev we will go to the Ferrari 550 Maranello, but Aston Martin was introduced from the middle of the season. We began to perform in two cars. In addition, another member entered the team - Stefan Ortelli.

And how do you like the track, climatic conditions?
Horror! Last year's competition, held in October, ended with the hospitalization of five participants. They were removed directly from the highway and sent to the hospital by helicopter. It was unbearable heat, everything was hot in the cockpit, even the air was melting. It is impossible to work in such a heat! Now a little easier. But there is another problem - sand from the desert constantly sweeps onto the track. When operating at such high speeds, sand on the surface is very dangerous: the machine is in constant planning. We hoped that this year grass would be planted along the track, which would somehow hold back the sand, but this did not happen, and the track is still dirty. As a sports venue, the circuit is magnificent, but the sand spoils the whole impression.

Not planning to race Paris-Daccar
Why not? Lesha will do this, I have a race in Brazil at this time.

This interview ended and smoothly turned into a friendly conversation. Fomenko learned that at the end of the first day of qualifying races for journalists will arrange a demonstration trip along the entire race track. We were glad to take part in it; but the rider did not share our enthusiasm, clearly demonstrating what awaits us.

“First, your brains will hit the front wall,” he said, and slammed his forehead expressively, “then the back (slap on the back of the head), and you won’t need anything else!”

We looked at each other. Nikolai, meanwhile, continued his facial exercises, depicting the transformation of our faces in a racing racing car. He spread his mouth with his fingers, jerked his cheeks alternately, and terribly turned his eyes. To complete the picture, he showed where the wet spot would be located when we were pulled out of the car with shaking hands and bending legs.

We laughed, but did not give up the idea. Although the question immediately arose whether frequent competitions at exorbitant speeds do not affect the state of health. We did not get a direct answer (and without it everything was clear), but Nikolai remembered his friend.

“I have a friend,” he said, “scuba diver.” I once asked him if it is true that frequent diving affects hearing. "What?" - answered Seryoga.

Then the conversation turned to the topic of real estate sales in the UAE, and we ourselves turned into interviewees. We discussed all the "pros" and "cons" of acquiring housing in the Emirates, compared them with other countries of the world. ... That’s what they would say and say endlessly if Fomenko had not suddenly risen with the words: “Girls, I’m driving now quickly and will be back!”

Wishing him good luck, we promised that we would definitely cheer for the Russian Time team - now and in the future.

We looked forward to the end of the qualifying races, watching from above the rushing cars roaring in a circle in a circle. And they waited! The organizers of the program gathered all the representatives of the press in the “boxing” under the rock number 13, handed out helmets and seated on training Audi.

Cars slowly rolled out to the starting lane. The driver behind the wheel turned around with a smile:

- Fastened? Feel comfortable? Then enjoy the ride!

And pulled away .... We were thrown from side to side, the car was driven in sharp turns, we squealed along with the brakes, and the lights flickered along the route, merging into one vibrating line. After making three laps, the car stopped at the thirteenth “box”. The trip was unforgettable: our smiles were wider than our faces, and only the rider's ears were covered by a female squeal. We joined the mystery of car racing, which is why we even more respect the real professionals and mentally wished the team of Russian athletes a new victory.

Elena Balina / Irina Ivanova

Watch the video: So Much Russian Influence, So Little Time (July 2024).