A branch of the Louvre opened in the capital of the United Arab Emirates (photo)

The Louvre branch in Abu Dhabi met the first guests before the official opening ceremony on November 11, 2017.

In anticipation of the grand opening of the Louvre Abu Dhabi on November 11, 2017, a preview of the museum was held for the press.

“The Louvre Abu Dhabi is not just a museum, it will become a center for education, broadcasting the ideas of international tolerance and world culture,” said Muhammad Al Mubarak, chairman of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi.

“This is the Emirate’s museum, and we only transferred our knowledge,” said Jean-Luc Martinez, President and Director of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

The history of mankind is told in 12 galleries of the Louvre. The Universal Museum shares an inspiring idea of ​​the relationship between civilizations and cultures. Each gallery includes works of different civilizations and cultures, which makes it easy to trace the influence of one on the other. Galleries are located in the likeness of the "museum city". For unique architecture with a recognizable dome 180 meters wide, creating the effect of "light rain", answered Jean Nouvel.

At the time of the opening in the Louvre, more than 600 exhibits will be presented, including items from his permanent collection and provided by France.

Recall that in 2007 the governments of the UAE and France signed an intergovernmental agreement on the creation of a museum in Abu Dhabi.

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