In the UAE, a tourist who escaped from a mountain had to be evacuated by helicopter

The tourist was taken to the hospital by helicopter from the mountains of the United Arab Emirates due to injuries while climbing.

UAE police rescued a tourist who escaped Mount Jebel Jais during an unsuccessful climb attempt. A rescue helicopter was used to evacuate the victim.

Lt. Col. Salim Bin Yukha, head of the Air Force department at the Ministry of the Interior, said the tourist was brought to the intensive care unit at Saqr Hospital last Friday. His condition is assessed as stable.

The authorities urge all tourists and workers to take all precautions for their safety while climbing the Jebel Jais.

Lt. Col. Bin Yukha also warned climbers of the need for special equipment and protective clothing, as well as climbing, accompanied by a qualified specialist who is able to respond professionally during emergencies.

Watch the video: Hawaii Plane Crash Caught on Tape. Good Morning America. ABC News (July 2024).