UAE citizens will increase pensions

Citizens of the United Arab Emirates working in private companies will increase pensions.

Members of the UAE National Council said that citizens working for private companies on retirement should receive no less than former government employees.

This step will stimulate the country's citizens to get into private enterprises, because they will be sure that at the end of their careers they will be able to secure a decent old age.

At a meeting of the National Council, examples were given of how some pensioners who worked in the private sector and have large families receive only 10 thousand dirhams per month.

The representative of Dubai, Hamad Al Rahumi, said that this state of affairs does not motivate citizens to get a job in commercial organizations.

"Most citizens do not consider commercial companies, because they understand that when they retire, they will receive very little," Mr. Al Rahumi said.

Later, the representative of Dubai added that the pension should be 50 thousand dirhams.

"An increase in the pension will not only motivate citizens to look for work in private companies, but also give companies the opportunity to hire young and talented employees," added Hamad Al Rahumi.

Watch the video: All senior citizens will be eligible for social security pension. Manorama News (June 2024).