In Dubai, the presidential election recorded a record turnout

In the presidential election in Dubai, over three thousand voters voted.

Dubai, UAE. On the eve of March 18, a record turnout was observed at a polling station at the Consulate General of Russia in Dubai and the Northern Emirates. In total, over 3 thousand Russians voted in the presidential election during the day.

In total, 3006 ballots were processed (it is worth noting that ballots in which more than one column was marked were invalidated). As a result of the processing of 100% of the ballots, 78% of the votes were received by Vladimir Putin (2345 people), 10.3% of the votes (309 people) got Pavel Grudinin, 6.1% (184 votes) - Ksenia Sobchak.

The rest of the candidates failed to overcome the barrier of 5% of the vote. Gocha Buachidze, Consul General of the Russian Federation in Dubai, noted that the turnout in the presidential elections in Dubai was almost three times higher than the turnout in the State Duma in 2016, when 1296 Russians voted in the consulate general.

The Russians voted very actively, many came with young children. The last voter arrived at the station a minute before closing.

Watch the video: Second day of early voting period ends, hitting record high early voting turnout (July 2024).