In the UAE, a woman fed Pakistanis with the meat of a murdered lover

In the United Arab Emirates, charges have been brought against a woman suspected of having killed her lover and made a dish of rice and meat from his remains.

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A citizen of Morocco living in the United Arab Emirates was suspected of having killed her roommate and prepared from his remains a kind of pilaf that had fed workers from Pakistan.

According to the indictment put forward by the Al Ain prosecutor’s office, the woman was suspected of killing her lover and preparing food from his remains, subsequently offered by a construction worker from Pakistan who lives nearby.

Investigating police reported that a Moroccan citizen was arrested on suspicion of killing her roommate, who was planning to leave her after seven years of cohabitation to marry another. The officers did not give details of the murder itself, but made public the fact that the Moroccan made cubs from the remains, also sometimes called macbus, a UAE-popular rice and meat dish similar to Indian biryani or a kind of pilaf.

Solving the crime was helped by the brother of the murdered man, who lived in the emirate of Ajman, who began to actively search for a relative after information appeared in the press about his mysterious disappearance.

Al Ain police was immediately connected to the search, which during a search in the house of the alleged killer found a human tooth in a kitchen blender. After a genetic examination showed that the tooth belonged to the murdered woman's lover, she was arrested.

In the case file there is evidence of the alleged killer that a friend helped her in concealing the crime, but the latter denies everything, insisting that she did not know anything about what happened.

At the moment, the necessary investigative actions are being completed, after which the case will be referred to court.

Watch the video: The Morocco woman killed boyfriend and killed to cook her meat and feeding the Pakistani laborers (July 2024).