Irresponsible pet owners in the UAE will be punished

Animal cruelty in the United Arab Emirates can now lead to imprisonment.

UAE residents who abandon their pets can now be punished under the new rules announced by the Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment (MOCCAE).

The ministry issued a document consisting of nine articles that set out the responsibilities of animal owners, as well as sanitary standards for keeping animals.

Legislative amendments address the obligations of pet owners. The document says that you can’t refuse animals under any circumstances. Any action that fits the definition of animal cruelty could result in a fine or imprisonment.

"The UAE is serious about protecting animals. This is of great importance to our Islamic beliefs and culture," said Saif Muhammad Al Shara of MOCCAE.

“Our role is to develop a legislative framework for animal welfare and biodiversity conservation in accordance with international animal welfare standards,” he added.

Susan Eilott, founder of the Abu Dhabi Animal Welfare Program, said pet abandonment should be classified as animal cruelty and prosecuted.

Sara Alzaki, founder of the UAE Animal Welfare Association, said pet ownership should be reflected on the Emirates ID for control and the inability to avoid liability.

Amendments to the Federal Law also provide for liability for cruelty to animals used on farms and in industrial production. Punishment is provided for neglecting the rules of humane slaughter of livestock or mockery of animals for entertainment. The use of electroshock devices is also prohibited.

Watch the video: The EPITOME of a bad owner (July 2024).