Six tips for a glamorous bride

The famous Dubai cosmetics store FACES offers brides to readers of the Russian Emirates to follow tips that will make them look stunning on the main day of their lives. So, two months before the wedding ...

  1. Drink more water. Nothing makes the skin so fresh and delicate as pure drinking water. And in the hot climate of the UAE, protection against dehydration becomes especially relevant.
  2. Use makeup remover daily. Carefully remove excess sebum and dirt accumulated during the day. Use exfoliating products according to skin type.
  3. Wipe your face with a tonic with a pH of 5.5. This will narrow the pores and give the skin freshness.
  4. Use a moisturizer according to your skin type: for dry - oil-based, for prone to greasy - with a light texture. This will help to properly moisturize the skin.
  5. Perform deep facial cleansing daily to keep your skin updated ...
  6. And most importantly - always stay loved, and your beauty will not fade over the years!

Watch the video: Makeup For The Day After Your Wedding. In Detail For New Brides. (May 2024).