Brand Recipe: Black Pepper Crab


  • Freshly caught crab - 1 kg
  • Oil - 120 grams
  • Ground black pepper - 80 grams
  • Sugar - 80 grams
  • Thick soy sauce - 10 ml
  • Margarine - 40 grams
  • Water - 450 ml
  • Carrots (finely chopped) - 5 grams
  • Chives (finely chopped) - 5 grams
  • Coriander Leaves - 5 grams

Cooking method

  1. Cut the crab and rinse it thoroughly. Set aside.
  2. Preheat the pot and add margarine.
  3. Preheat 50 grams of ground black pepper until flavoring. Add water, sugar and thick soy sauce.
  4. Bring to a boil, then lower the crab. Cover and simmer until cooked.
  5. Remove the lid, add oil and 30 grams of ground black pepper. Cook over high heat until the sauce thickens, then put on a plate.
  6. Garnish with carrots, onions and coriander leaves.

Enjoy your meal!

Watch the video: Super Easy Singapore Black Pepper Crab Recipe 黑胡椒螃蟹 (June 2024).