Water shortage may occur in Abu Dhabi in 2030

By 2030, the annual demand for drinking water in Abu Dhabi will be 6.6 trillion liters, which could provoke an acute shortage if the emirate’s authorities do not reduce the consumption of water resources in the near future.

“By 2030, drinking water consumption in Abu Dhabi will double,” said Dr. Muhammad Dawood, manager of the water department at the Environmental Department of Abu Dhabi. “I appreciate the efforts of the emirate’s authorities that they are taking to implement the plan to save water sources, however, much remains to be done in this area. We will need more investment in the water sector to bridge the gap between demand and available fresh water. "

According to Dawood, the authorities of the capital of the emirate will be recommended new technologies to help save water. Among them: water-saving taps and devices for the disposal and purification of water. Innovative methods will be applied for irrigation of farmland, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the volume of water consumption for irrigation by 40%, which is 57% of the annual water consumption in Abu Dhabi. The use of such technologies is fully consistent with the strategy of the "General Plan for Environmental Protection until 2030", which will be published for public review in May-June of this year.

Note that household water consumption is 18.5% of the total volume used by the emirate of Abu Dhabi. This is approximately 550 liters per person per day. This need is satisfied by three "sources": 65% - groundwater of the emirate, 29% - desalinated water and 7% - treated wastewater.

Watch the video: Water Shortage Gives Iran That Sinking Feeling (July 2024).