Arab Emirates withdraws troops from Yemen

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced the termination of the participation of the country's troops in coalition operations in Yemen.

EL KUWAIT, June 16. / Corr. TASS Vasily Vavilin. The armed forces of the United Arab Emirates will no longer take part in the operations of the Arabian coalition in Yemen in support of government forces. The corresponding statement was made on Wednesday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country Anwar Gargash.

"Our position today is clear: the war is over for our soldiers. Now we are following the events in the political arena and are supporting the Yemenis in the liberated territories," he said. In his opinion, the coalition members were able to fulfill their task - “to free a large number of provinces, in particular Aden and Marib, as well as to relieve Al-Mukalla (the administrative center of Hadramaut province) from Al-Qaeda terrorists (banned in Russia - TASS approx. ) ". Gargash emphasized that the UAE played a very important role in achieving these results.

The crisis in Yemen has not stopped since August 2014, however, it entered the most active phase with the beginning of the invasion in March 2015 of the Arabian coalition, led by Riyadh, which supported the government and President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi in a conflict with Shiite rebels (Hussites) . The military operations of the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait took part in the military operation, they were also assisted by Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Sudan.

Despite the fact that a ceasefire has been operating in Yemen since April 11, clashes between the parties to the conflict periodically occur. At the same time, the air forces of the coalition countries continue to strike airstrikes.

According to media reports, since the beginning of the operation in Yemen, about 80 UAE troops have been killed. In total, more than seven thousand people became victims of the conflict.

Watch the video: Yemen war takes toll on UAE soldiers (July 2024).