11 people injured in traffic accident in Dubai

In a traffic accident in Dubai, eleven people were injured.

In Dubai, on Monday, 11 people were injured in a truck and minivan collision: three people were killed and eight were injured.

The accident occurred at 13:00 on the Emirates Highway in the direction of Sharjah, not far from the Malikha Highway exit. The cause of the accident was the non-observance of the distance between the vehicles.

As a result of the accident, three people died, two were seriously injured, six were injured.

Dubai police posted photos and details of the incident on their Twitter and Facebook pages.

The head of the Traffic Directorate, Saif Muhair Al Mazrui, said that according to the preliminary version, the cause of the incident was a violation of the distance between the vehicles.

After receiving the accident report, the police organized patrols in the accident area to facilitate access for ambulances.

Mr. Al Mazrui urged motorists to follow the rules of the road to prevent such accidents.

Watch the video: 22 injured in 44-vehicle crash on Abu Dhabi-Dubai road (May 2024).