A car wash in the United Arab Emirates could result in a fine

In a region of the United Arab Emirates, the punishment for illegal car care in a public place has been tightened.

In the emirate of Sharjah, UAE, a total of 681 car owners were fined in the last quarter for illegally caring for their vehicle - violators washed cars in public places - on the streets and in residential areas.

The municipality has tightened the sentence for this violation from 250 to 500 dirhams (from $ US 68 to $ US 136). The position of the emirate authorities is that such a way to wash vehicles negatively affects the environment.

The municipality emphasizes that the number of violations of this kind has decreased compared to the same period last year. Muhammad Al Qabbi, head of the hygiene department in the municipality of Sharjah, explains the decline in successful information campaigns and increased penalties.

In addition to sanitary issues, Al Qabbi also mentioned the issue of security. He cited the example of a woman who hired a worker to wash her vehicle, and he stole her laptop.

Round-the-clock inspections aimed at illegal car care, which threatens the image of the city and carries a risk to health and safety, will continue.

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