Russians win 175 medals at the Abu Dhabi Special Olympics

The Russian national team won 175 medals at the Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi.

Dubai, UAE. The Russian team won 89 gold 52 silver and 34 bronze medals at the World Special Olympics Summer Games, which ended in Abu Dhabi. Competitions were held in the capital of the UAE from March 8 to 22. The Russian delegation included 211 people, of which 153 athletes from 27 regions of the Russian Federation participated in the competition.

The maximum number of gold awards the Russians received in powerlifting, sports and rhythmic gymnastics. The unifide volleyball team managed to repeat its success four years later, winning first place. Gold was won by the women's soccer team (7 on 7), representatives of equestrian sports, swimming, speed skating on roller skates, athletics, badminton, cycling, bocce, judo, table tennis and rowing.

“Speaking about Russia in the global space, it is this movement today that remains one of the few forms of international cooperation that escaped unfair sanctions and vividly demonstrates the equality of citizens of all countries. I’ll add that it’s important to continue to involve people with intellectual disabilities in sports , unifide sports, to help children with special needs in their social adaptation Participation in the Special Olympic Movement helps our athletes not only improve their health, but also expand their Osorio, make new interesting acquaintances, and through it - to strengthen the friendly relations between the citizens of the participants of the Special Olympics movement, "- said the president of the Special Olympics Russia, State Duma deputy Yuri Smirnov.

Special Olympics have been held since 1968, when the Summer Games were first held, winter competitions have been held since 1977. The next summer competitions of the Games will be held in Berlin in 2023, and the next winter competitions will be held on February 2-13, 2021 in Ore and Ostersund, Sweden. Special Olympics are recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

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